We needed to have one more night to celebrate Tatum’s Love Day with mama. I decided to create a craft plan so we could make something all together. Plus the Suns are in the finals, so we could watch the game too!
Before Mama came, we three had a Hay Huddle to discuss our day. Cooper had to get in there too.

OH, Coopy!
We also got a few pics just for fun.

My two LOVES!
And my HHH: Tot takes the best pics!

Ok all set for Mama. When she arrived, we immediately turned on the game and I gave directions for our craft.
In the middle of the Heart Map, you put what you are MOST grateful for. Then the things in the center are the most significant gratitudes and as you move out, less significant. All important though!
We are all hard at work!

We will be presenting them at dinner.
Speaking of…I’m working hard to get it ready!

Come and get it!

We’ll eat in the glorious dining room. The Gathering spot!

Mama will go first.

Hers is so pretty! I love how she made it come alive with all the pics. I love you MAMA!
Next, TOT!

Hers is also so colorful!

Ok, my Honey now.

His is so beautiful and it flows! The house is designed beautifully on his pic.
Let’s look at them all closely before I present.
(Mama wanted a pic of all of her goodies from the evening)

Tot’s and Daddy’s

Now, I will present mine!

Doug loved my teeny tiny writing. I’M SO VERY GRATEFUL!

Later on, Tot pulled out the jacks I got her and played with Mama on the floor. I used to play this for HOURS when I was her age.
Great memories and now she will carry on the tradition.

What a fun night! I love you, family!!! We are a grateful group.