Faith, Joy, Love. What a beautiful theme.

These girls keep the faith: Charlotte, Selah and Tatum. They build each other up.

Here is the agenda:
Mrs. Holman had them do a little Bible, Spanish, Math, and Language Arts to commemorate the year and show all of their hard work.

Tatum got to show the counting by 2’s part.

Then Mrs. Holman had them individually come up and receive their diploma. Each child was bestowed a character trait. Tatum’s was “Attentiveness.” She always paid attention, listened closely and obeyed *mostly . I’m very proud of her.

Cupcakes and friends to follow. I love the cross. And…2031! Wow.

We received some nice gifts from Mrs. Holman. What would we have done without her. She made the year so special and she was a perfect teacher for her (and a friend to me).
We received a list to prevent the “summer slide.”

Tot and I went through it in the car and made notes. This will be a fun-filled, learning-filled, joy-filled summer!
We are ready now! Stay tuned for the rest of the day.