Going to the movies: TOP GUN!

It was going to be a great day! Tot and I would do school, play, draw, and then I’d head out for Geron (my hair magician). I always send Daddy a pic. Geron is the secret…not me!

Later, we’d go see Tom Cruise in the new Top Gun.

Doug and I discussed with Tot the issue of the bad language, and we prepared her for all the difficult scenes. We don’t want her to learn about these things with her friends. If we can discuss these rationally with her, then it won’t be “taboo” and thus be a temptation for her.

We waited for Daddy as the previews played.

Well…not a good choice to see the previews. Lesson learned. Very inappropriate. Ugh. Why do they do this?

Anyway the movie was amazing. A true representation of Jesus. Sacrifice for your friends. Sacrifice your own life to save a life. Loyalty. Doing what is right. Patriotism. All the things that matter to God.

Now, sure, there was bad language, but we assured Tot to look beyond this and see the point. What a great time and great lessons learned.