Going on the SIXTH day of the SICKIES!

Today, Tatum is home again. Still small fever and sore throat. NO energy or appetite, and if you knew my girl, you’d know this is NOT like her.

We are on the sixth day as today is Friday and this started on Sunday. She had to miss the field trip to the Puppet Theater.

So, she decided she wanted to make her room into a school. This is the sign she made for the door.


Now, she made some little signs for her wall. She thought of all of these herself. You can tell the emotion in each picture she made.

As you can see, the mommy is sad. Tatum is standing next to her.

Tatum and her baby. (her little comfort)

Tatum is sick (sadddddd face)

Sick and SIX.

We decided to liven up the room a bit and create the alphabet. Each letter has something on it to signify that letter! Tot worked hard on this. (and I helped her but not much; I just drew the letters and she decorated most of them)

I am praying tomorrow she’ll feel almost all better because Coti is missing his sister.