Happy Sad Happy Sad. Mixed emotions.
Thunderbolt has been really struggling lately. He had a white growth all over his back, and it has only gotten worse. Every month we disinfect his house, but for some reason, he has not bounced back. Tatum asked if we could go into Pet Smart and see what was wrong.

He’s on his last “fin,” as the fishy expert told us. It’s time to move on and pick another one. She wanted a girl, but we fell in love with a Twintail Half-moon Beta fish. Snowball! Perfect name.
On the ride home, she cried. We came into the house. She cried. “He was my best friend.”
Let’s flush him down the toilet as we say a prayer; he can swim right up to heaven!

And guess what? He swam away into the abyss of the plumbing. Oh Glory Be!

Farewell, Thunderbolt!
Coopy, meet Snowball.

He’s just precious!

Thank you God for the gift of Thunder. Take care of him!
Snowball, welcome to your new home!