Gifted all around: Thank you MLK for inspiring us

Monday celebrated one of my heroes: Martin Luther King Jr. He stood for peace and love in the midst of extreme difficulty.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” 

And one more:

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. 

Pure wisdom.

Well, since Tatum did not have school, we all went out to lunch. Little did I know that my mom would give me my Christmas present! It was back ordered and so I was to get it sometime in January. Surprise!

Now Minnie tells me the time on my new Apple Watch. Thank you mom so much! It really was above and beyond. ( I can swim in this puppy!)

Then when we got home, my mom had a new puzzle for Tot.

She did both of them in no time. Well, maybe with a teeny bit of help from

A wonderful Grandmama.

I had already planned to give Tot a mini-Coti to take along with us in the car. His name is Pippie. Seriously, he looks just like Coti!

Coti was a bit jealous, so mom gave him a new mouse toy that talks.

Not for long!

Mom really spoiled us today on this special day of love. Dr. King, you inspire us all to remember love drives out all the evil in the world. Without having Jesus, this would not be possible. I pray for a revolution in this country. We need a lot more love and a lot more Jesus!