Getting Stronger as the HAY TEAM

What makes a team thrive? Well, I know that a tree only grows stability through the hard storms. I know that rose bushes only grow with much pruning. So, the same holds true for a family. A team. Those hard times, those conflicts; they all are so necessary for growth to occur.

Now, we have a choice of course when struggle occurs. We can chop down the tree, cut down the rose bush, or we can run away from our families. OR, we can talk it out and thrive. Sure, it may hurt at first, just like the pruning shears don’t feel so great, but in the end, you have a blossoming, fruit-filled, bushy tree or plant.

Such was the other day. Tatum had a tough morning with learning to be a leader in a kind, humble way, and her words did not reflect who she really is. Daddy and I had to have a meeting with her later. It was a wonderful conversation, and Daddy even gave her a lovely card. I love how his heart is so geared to growth and especially love.

She does have a heart of gold, a beautiful smile, a repentant and contrite spirit, and ….well, I know she is growing in HIM every day. I love how our family works.

We are forming our team every day. With Christ as our center, nothing can break us apart.

I love you HAY team. And thank you Daddy for being our ROCK too. XO