We are ready to be done with 2022. No offense, year, but it was a tough one. Lots of humbling and learning. Lots of changing too. That is definitely WORTH IT, but, gosh, it is hard. So, I’m ready to ring in the new 2023!
HOPE.. FAITH….and JOY! And Simplicity. That is what I want this year.
Tatum got ready too. Her office is up and ready to run.

I like her reminder of JOY. Jesus. Others. You. May we put HIM first. Also, her white board. Reading comes before play. Good reminder.
Tatum and I made some wands for the evening; this would be waved over our evening to bring in the joy of the LAUNCH!

Mom came over too; we played Rummy Tile (just like when I was a kid), and we had a nice dinner.

Woody just rested, and Coopy? He chilled. I like the thought of both of these!

2023, we are ready. AMEN.