The day before a wedding has to be a relaxing day, right? Tatum had a half day, and I had to finish getting moved over to the condo while packing to sleep at my mom’s, the honeymoon night, and packing up Tatum. Blessedly, my dear friend Sharon and her husband Andy would take Tatum on Friday night so mom and I could hang out and I could get a good night sleep. This was such a great idea!
Meanwhile, we had to get Tot’s haircut and Brandy would blow out my hair for the next morning. The work it takes to be a bride. Oh the joy!

My mom had flowers all over the kitchen since she was creating the bouquets for herself, Tot and me, and corsages for Austin, Doug, Craig and Darlene (his mom). Wow. I can’t believe how beautiful these roses are! Thank you mom for my GORGEOUS flowers!!!
I slept so soundly and peacefully after a relaxing dinner of Wildflower, Sauvignon Blanc and quality conversation. There was such anticipation for the morning, but everything was done, so all I could do would be to sleep!
When I woke up on Saturday, I was so rested and ready to go! I was to be at the church at 7:30 to meet Brandy to do my hair and makeup.
It was such a surreal morning. The weather was crisp and cool and CLEAR! (it had been raining all week, so this was a blessing).

My love then texted me

Oh, it is close…3 hours from now. I headed to Einstein’s to get my coffee and they were surprised I had no Tot. They had a valentine for her waiting. Wasn’t that so kind?

When I arrived at the church to unload the car, it was so quiet and peaceful; I was all alone awaiting this stellar morning.
I hung my dress and waited for Brandy. My mom and Tot would show up later to get coiffed.
Here is Brandy with her loads of beauty bags. I was so grateful for her help.

While my hair sat (yes, the curls need to hang out in the clips to “set”), my mom got her’s done. WOW. She looked like she walked out of Vogue.

The work we go to to look pretty. I’m sure it took Doug about 10 minutes to get ready. He still would look amazing!
Brandy worked on my hair and makeup. I am not into a lot of makeup, but she mentioned I should just look like me but more glamourous.
Look at these curls!

DK, our photographer arrived, and we were almost ready for the FIRST LOOK!
Tatum arrived, and we got her all dressed. Brandy even did her hair too.
Time to put on the dress. OK, we are almost there! Countdown to Rocket launch. Stay tuned!