At our condo complex, Tatum has made friends with a 5-year old cutie named Zoe. Her family is just lovely, and we have enjoyed getting to know them. Zoe was invited to come over on Thursday, and Tatum prepped all morning.
First, she prayed that she could speak to Zoe about Jesus. (my heart melted)
Then she put out a bunch of Bible verses for Zoe to see. (she had the tea party all ready too with seltzer water).

Then, she made Zoe a little purse with some notecards inside.
Then she made a paper for prayer requests:

She got the fun tent all ready.

When Zoe came over, she sat her down and first asked her if she had anything she could pray for. Zoe mentioned safety, so Tot wrote it down and promised to pray for this. (She put it on the frig.)
It was so fun to see Tatum live her faith and be a light. I love my girl’s heart.