Fun-filled frolicking with friends

What happens when we stop running through free flowing fountains and playing hide and seek?

We grow up. Tatum is my reminder to STOP and just RUN!!! Get wet, already!


What makes this even better? A friend! And what else? Super heroes!
IMG_6511 IMG_6510Nicholas and Tatum are superheroes. They represent that invincible can-do attitude that grown-ups seem to grow out of. Is it possible to stay a superhero and yet be “grown up?” Is it possible to stay in a free-spirited frolicky  phase while still maintaining a somewhat organized, responsible life?

Tatum reminds me, YES. We can grow up, but not OUT OF!

She sees the little things; her excitement grows over the tiniest of details such as a ladybug or a bird’s wing. She continues to soak in every second of the day with superhero strength and invincibility.

Her friend, Gavin, makes her life even more special. This superhero of a boy is smiles without end. His five-year old hand holds Tot’s and he guides her down the slide. Sometimes, mini superheroes need bigger ones to guide them and coach them.
IMG_6513 IMG_6512Tatum teaches me, and others are teaching Tatum. Fun-filled frolicking with friends is what being a superhero is all about. Grown up or tiny.