From a Coton to a Boxer; Coopy’s métamorphisais

It was only going to be a few minutes we would be gone. When we got home from picking up Tot from school, it was very quiet. Too quiet. Where was the Coopy head? Coopy? Coopy? Oh, dear. No answer. Not in his house. Not on the chair. Not….anywhere!

Then, I hear, Mommy, come quick!!!

Oh, my! Coopy! What have you done? Well, first he found Tot’s Kleenex box. That is obvious.

Then Coopy showed himself. All boxed in, boy?

He’s wagging like mad, and he’s swinging his head around trying to get free. We are ccccccaaaarrrracking up.

Poor guy that he’s providing our comic relief as he suffers in blind dark boxed silence.

Tatum finally freed you from your blindness. Did you have fun in your little box o’tissues?