Fractured but not Broken: MY BRAVE TROOPER!

About an hour before her soccer game, I got a call from her school. She was in PE, and apparently she got hit with a soccer ball. I could hear her crying in the background.

I immediately headed over there to pick her up. No game today!
I figured she sprained her arm, so we headed home and I gave her some aspirin to dull the pain.

It looked pretty. lifeless but again, I thought it was sprained.

The next day was to be a 1/2 day at school, so we made an appt at urgent care for 8:45am.

We showed up early to get in!! She was in a ton of pain; more than was normal for a sprain.

OH, so hard to see her in this much pain.

We waited and waited….and waited, trying to get our minds off the pain!
Finally after X-rays, we saw….oh. yes. Fractured.

They wrapped it up in a temporary cast and a CUTE sling (thank goodness for the cuteness)

and they gave me a few Orthos to call.

FOUR places. THEN…..BINGO!
We got in first thing MONDAY morning in a location RIGHT NEXT TO OUR HOME! Not a coincidence.

So we have the weekend to rest, relax, and recover until the BIG CAST; what color will it be? Stay tuned. So proud of my one-armed gal.

She may be fractured, but she is never broken. SHE GETS BACK UP AND KEEPS THE FAITH. LOVE YOU TOT! (Goodbye soccer this season)