First day of HOME school (kind of) amidst the Coronovirus

Supposedly, we start online school on Wednesday. We just finished up Spring Break, and we got word that school is closed for a few weeks. Therefore online will begin soon. I did not want to wait until Wednesday, and I wanted a practice, so we started today.

We began the day with devotion and the Pledge. Tatum held the flag, and we all said it. (all of us being Tot and me)
Here is the agenda!

Ok, here we go. Are you ready Coopy? He sure is!

We started with our phonics for the week for review. She was finishing her brekkie.

We had a spelling list for the week, so I gave her a pre-test. How did she do?

Good work!

Now she’ll do her reading and I’ll give her a little test.

Next, it’s ART (my fav!)

She decided to work on a card for Coopy since his birthday is Wednesday. (He’ll be one!)

Snack recess. I got some dinner worked on and cleaned a bit while she played with Cooper. I will do my GCU work later.

Math. I decided to use money and jelly beans. I mean, cmon, let’s make it fun and tasty, right? Plus it makes more sense when you use real life stuff.

She did a few timed sheets, and VOILA!

We are on a roll, Bumby!
Lunchtime with cheese curls of course.

then BIBLE. We went onto SBC website and looked at the lesson since they went online too. A little Luke 1, a little praise and worship, and prayer. Good stuff.

After a quick walk with Cooper, we did our “PE” which was yoga. I turned on Cosmic Kids yoga, and we did 12 poses. Sheesh. I had no idea how hard it would be!
Note to self: Need a yoga mat to avoid head injuries.

Finally, music, which I made piano practice.

Guess what, Taties? YOU DID IT! With God, all things are possible. Even homeschool. heehee

I do GCU work now while she plays. THEN: Time for a bike ride to get outside in this beautiful spring weather. Till next time!