We decided to surprise Tatum by taking her to the biggest pumpkin patch in AZ. It’s near Tucson in Marana.

It was a beautiful fall day, and we were ready to enjoy all the sights and pick out some plump orange orbs. Tatum was regular admission because she is now above 34″. There is much rejoicing.

We couldn’t believe the size of this place, so we went to the petting zoo first.
I got all the feels seeing these cute llamas, peacocks, goats, pigs, and turkeys.
There was an enormous bounce house which was really just giant pillows. Tatum and I couldn’t resist.
Daddy took pictures of sunflowers while we bounced. He knows these are my favorites.

Train ride around the huge farm, but first, an icee for Tot. Bubble gum was the flavor du jour.

We wanted to make the pig races at the top of an hour. Yes, pig races. We sat next to Charger hoping he was the winner.
Our pig did win! There was so much energy in this place! It made it so much fun.
Time to go pick out our pumpkins.

We picked out 3 of these beauties and took them home to carve. Stay tuned for this fun event.
Time to go. We had a great time, and now time to eat. At Subway, Tatum went around to the tables and got to know the patrons. She is a social butterfly and always making friends.
She didn’t make friends with this poor coyote.

Yes, for $1300, you too could have this friend at your home. What would Coopy think!?
Well, my love…my loves. Doug, Tatum, I just love you both so much. I’m committed to uniting our family and to praying daily for us. We had a wonderful time, and we continue to grow.
We missed you, sweet puppy, but you enjoyed your time at Boulder Falls.
He was so happy to come home, and we were so grateful to see him.

Our 3rd HAA was a success. What will we do for our 4th?? Stay tuned!