I decided to have a little lap swim, and Tot and Doug went to the gym. They also explored which inspired my honey. I love this about him in that he sees some type of architecture and has a vision of homeyness. This was on the Poco Diablo property.
He also spotted a heron? in their adventures. We long to find more birds as we learn about this together. I can’t wait to get a fancy camera. He’ll be a PRO day 1! Tot will too I’m sure.
Ok, so we hit the golf course for the final HOORAH.
Tot, you look mahhhhhvelous. Stay focused on that ball!
She doesn’t need to stay in the cart! She wants to HIT IT! Go Tot!
My honey is up and he is ready.
Wow! He is looking so good out there. I look forward to our golfing more often. TOGETHER. Now, do you think I want to golf because I love that little ball? NO WAY! It’s because it provides a way for us to enjoy each other in SLO-MO. Golf is NEVER fast, right? You see character out there on the course. Patience. Endurance. Encouragement.
My turn. I do my best, and I know I need MUCH more practice. Well, Honey captures me in action. Good thing you don’t see the result. It goes straight but not too far.
All I know is we will keep on practicing.
We finish up, and we decide to head out.
Cooper is crying out for us to come and get him! So, we decide to head out and pick the little guy up.
We are pretty excited. Cooper has no idea as we spot him.
Reunited!!! I have the feels all over me.
Ok, Tot…. you can have him too.
She is so happy to see him.
Doug was pretty excited too but he is taking the pics.
All I can say is that it was wonderful being all together. I know we might get on each others’ nerves here and there, sure. But, that is FAMILY. We love each other so very much that we can let it out and be ourselves.
I can’t wait until the 3rd HAA. What I do know is that I adore my daughter, I love my husband to pieces, and my little puppy? He’s the bees knees! My little cuddle bag.