February 2, 2025: Groundhog Day

I have been somewhat “stuck” for a while now. Somedays, I feel like I’m living in a time loop that just keeps repeating. Maybe you relate? Mine is health related, and sometimes I don’t see an end to this “sick” feeling daily. Somedays? Better than others, but all in all, it’s not over…YET.
Well, there was a movie, Groundhog Day (1993) starring Bill Murray, which put a whole new perspective on the feeling of “repeat” day in day out.
The movie has Bill Murray experience a supernatural time loop which serves as a metaphor for how some of us experience and describe our lives: trapped in the same ol’ same ol’ day in and day out…
In the film, Phil resorts to human ways to cope with the meaninglessness. (drunkenness, lying, sexual encounters, attempts at suicide)
HOWEVER, Phil wakes up one day and decides to focus, instead on himself, OTHERS! First, he develops an appreciation for art and beauty through classical music, ice sculpting, and acts of service.
At first, his motives are selfish (he wants a woman to love him so he manipulates the situation). However, along the way, he is transformed into a genuinely good person.
ONE DAY, he wakes up and……The meaning of life has become apparent to him: FOCUS ON OTHERS and the world gets better. His days become colorful and vibrant. PURPOSE has been found in direct proportion of the value we place on others.
A Tale of Two Cities famous beginning: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” CAN ONE DAY BE THE BEST AND WORST at the same time? It’s all a matter of perspective.
The message is this:
Every day is a gift. How you view it, how you use it, is what shapes and determines your destiny.
Every day, no matter what monotonous tasks it contains, can be the best day of your life.
Find a PURPOSE GREATER THAN YOURSELF, and you will create a beautiful life worth living.
This is my reminder every day when I’m feeling like a truck hit me as I lay in bed. I know it will pass, and I can find the beauty in the day. Thank you Jesus.