Feb Idea Night + Valentine’s Day Monday!

The same night! OH the pressure! I love spoiling my family on IDEA night, but this coupled with Valentine’s Day made the pressure (completely self-inflicted, mind you!) doubled!

But, not to worry. I had it all planned out. Little did I know Tatum would stay home today from school. I headed to school early that day so I could pick up her work. The best part was that I got to see her face when she opened her lunch.


Oh, the fun I have.

We also could “POST-IT” to Daddy all day. Tatum loves to drop a note or two on his desk, and I love to surprise him with treats. Today, I made him so peanut butter protein cookies in a little heart. He, of course, is Mr. Secret as he goes in and out to the store all day…+ Love Post-its.

I got to work on the dinner. Shrimp Tacos with Avocado Crema and salad with Cilantro Lime Vinegarette.

Setting the table was fun!

Daddy’s gifts at the end screamed beauty and hard preparation. He always makes gifts look so welcoming.

Tatum wrapped up some gifts for us. She had so much fun making a gift for all of us..even Coopy!

She also sent a Cinquain and letter to Mama. She received it today and will open it up when she comes over Wednesday for dinner.

Ok..back to dinner!

We posed for pics! Daddy, you spoil your girls.

Tatum opened her gifts before dinner. It’s so fun to celebrate LOVE! We do always, but especially on the 14th.

Daddy’s gifts to her show how much he cherishes her. It’s a good role model for what a man should do to a girl…cherish and adore.

The card sang to her when she opened! Then, the LOVEBUG!

Oh, how perfect for her.
I think she was most excited about these!:

She loves her pencils. He also got her a car to paint because we love to craft!

So much fun.

I got her some fun goodies too. Dog cards are ALWAYS winners, and she loves books, bracelets (to make) and pretty plants. (oh, and CHOCOLATE, right!?)

Doug and I do “together” gifts, but for V day, it’s important for him to role model the guy’s part! (wink!)

(Cooper is wanting to read it!)

I will open my goodies after dinner. Now, for the IDEA part of the night.

First, they LOVED LOVED the dinner! YAY! I had a salad instead of the taco part, but I did partake of the shrimp and crema. SO GOOD!
We each presented our ideas. Tatum and Daddy always have such great ones!
Doug usually had house ideas…oh and FOOD of course! I love his suggestions.

Looking forward to our garden who the fence.

Also, he can look forward to Tuna melts, green chile casserole, pasta (hearts of palm) with mushroom and sausage….

We will eat outside in the front patio. We will go to 3 D golf. Love it!

Tot had similar suggestions. Strawberry bread, cherry pie, French fries (but HEALTHY versions of each)

pool party, movie night….all very good ideas!
Then, mine. I want to gift more! I want to vacation more! Our bucket list is extensive for the year!

Upon our IDEAS, my honey loved on my with the gifts.

I had 3 cards!

Where does he get these!
Then card two. I don’t get what he says, but I’ll take it!

And, it was SEVEN years ago today that we had our first date. ….so he commemorated with a wine with a key. (just like our first date!)

He’s so chivalrous.

I gave him his card too! Oh, I didn’t spoil him as much, but I did cook and bake to his heart’s content.

Oh, and Coopy got a card.

What a blessed day! Two more days until our 3 year anniversary!