A bike ride, a game or two, drawing, a laugh and a song. This describes our fun during our break before we all return to work. The rest of the time what do you think we did?
Organize our home, ready the condo for renting, sort, toss, and more organizing.
We had to get in some fun, however.

We ventured out in our neighborhood which is glorious; look at where we live now! The lake is right in our backyard. WHO KNEW!?

A little drawing also we enjoyed…. (here’s what I made with our new watercolor markers).

A New Year’s craft. We filled it with pasta as the rattle (we want to move “pasta” 2020!) HA!!

You’ll see these in action on New Year’s Eve!
We played games. Here’s a sample from WordSmart. The letters were J and G and a living creature. Tot chose Jaguar. Or her rendition.

Battleship! She sank all of mine pretty quickly.

And New Year’s EVE celebration.
Are we ready!!??

Shake Rattle and….

Rock and ROLL!

YESSSSS. We are ready for 2021. Coopy is wired and ready to go.