Bittersweet. We will miss Mrs. King and all the kids. Tatum will miss Noah too…wink wink.
The 3rd through 5th graders sang some great songs about being the hands and feet of Jesus, and to just be a part of change with ONE SMALL STEP. Such a great message.

Mrs. King then gave awards. Every year, they get assigned a character trait. She actually received the same one as last year:
Mrs. King: This lovely Tatum every day would ENCOURAGE me with a sweet encouraging note and often brought me gifts. She always shared her supplies (because she feels everything really belongs to God so should be shared). SO she received:

She also was given her portfolio of all of her work.

It was so much fun to see her celebrated in all her LOVE for others.
She then headed back to the classroom to help out.

She will miss all of her friends, but I am so glad I get to have the kiddo home with me. (lots of playdates we will plan!)

Summertime, here we come!