This phrase was coined when Neil Armstrong landed the Eagle Lunar on the moon in 1969. Well, it was symbolic of our day today. Doug went out on a bike ride on Tot’s 1/2 birthday, and this is what he saw.

This regal bird represents so much as did this day. He sits atop this pole watching and waiting. His presence is like our Father; His presence being majestic and protective. When the eagle landed there, he brought with him a reminder of what HE (the LORD) brought me; This remarkable Tatum Tot 8.5 years ago. Ah. Yes, what a gift.
She played in the morning in her room; her classroom, I should say. Now, Tatum’s imagination is quite expressive and inspiring. She turned some pictures into a classroom once again, putting them as tents.

She’s teaching them from the Bible.

What. a. girl.
Then, later, we had a little fun with a game, and we gave her a little reminder of how much we love her.

She will always have an inner puppy I foresee!
And these little earrings represent the circle of HIS love. It is NEVER ENDING, my sweet girl.
May you know, like this eagle perched atop this pole, that HE never leaves you nor forsakes you.
Tomorrow is your LOVE day!