We awaited the week with our blocks, and today we’d uncover the true meaning of EASTER.

Indeed. Yes. We have new beginnings. New hopes. New perspectives.

Later on, we went all Easter bunny, and looked for eggs. Jesus would have done the same, right?

Keep looking! There might be a fancy egg to find!?

And that will get you some new books! Plus some that you wanted from Ted Dekker: Millie Maven .

Later mom came over and we enjoyed some delightful food!

Table adorned with PEEPS (peeping out of the baskets)! Eggs, sausage, and my special sugar free gluten free carrot cake!

Such a nice day. I love how mellow it was.
BTW, we went to church on Saturday since they offered services that day. It is usually way too busy, and we wanted to make room for the CEO’s (Christmas and Easter Only crowd) LOL
I love you Jesus.