Preparing for Easter this year with a 3-year old took on a whole new meaning. I knew she would be bombarded with Easter bunny paraphenalia, baskets, and loads of chocolate bunnies and peeps. But what does it all mean!!!??
First, I bought her many books about the meaning of Easter. God Gave us Easter, The Bernstein Bear’s Easter, and Veggie Tales Easter. And she read them and GOT IT. “Jesus died for me and He came back; God loves you!” Pretty much she gets the concept of Him dying and coming back to life to forgive us for good. So it was with this message that we stuffed eggs with three jelly beans, band-aid, a verse. Three jelly beans= on the third day he came back to life; the band-aid=he heals our wounds and forgives us. Pretty cool!
Off we went to deliver baskets to our friends: Susan and Jason, John and Marsha, Denise and Petro, Amy and Jack, and Robert and Jennie….just to name a few.
It was time to color some eggs with mama, and this was truly a hit because Tatum got to dunk. Something about the whole immersion thing that just is exhilarating!
Time to decorate. So, unfortunately, I bought jumbo eggs, so nothing fit around their large circumferences. Lesson learned.
Tatum spent time just praising the Lord and singing her heart out. She never tires of this, this little animated bunny of mine.
We enjoyed spending time with Morgan and Nyla and Kelly later on. My goodness these three lovelies make my heart sing. Or maybe bounce!
Happy Easter!!!