Oh, my little artist. ARTISTE Extraordinaire as a scribe and storyteller. The grammar definitely helps.
She is doing quite well in the foundation of it all. My little grammar geek (a girl after my own heart)

Shurley…this is what they call it at PVCP. Surely she loves it! YAHOO!
Did I say she likes to draw? Just the other morning, she decided to create a menu of foods in her journal.

Fred-o-cini. Fred really likes noodles. HA!
Happy meals are next.

But wait! There’s more. She writes too. Stories that would knock your socks off. Her word choice is so mature.
She read it to us after school today. Based on the “Boy Who Cried Wolf.”

Keep up the CREATIVE THINKING, lovebug.
You make me smile and make me so GRATEFUL every single day.

I so enjoy our Friday Brekkies!