It was a special day of testing, and Tatum would be with me the whole day. Dr. Ruiz, our dear friend who is also our Dr., came over to give me the breath test to test me for SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth).
First, Tot and I would go for a walk to our “ocean” to see the duckies. This always cheers me up!

Hi Tot!

I got a few love notes too!

He arrived at 8:30 am, and we started immediately since it would be a three hour test (and I was fasting).

After nine bags, we finished. And guess what I did? ATE FOOD!

Daddy, Tot, and of course Coopy….

They all loved on me all day. I am so grateful for Dr. Ruiz too. He is committed to my healing. (Thank you, Jesus, for sending him to me and for my family. You always provide).