Doug and Tatum’s Time – Day 1

Steph had a business trip planned to North Carolina which meant that I had a great chance to hang out with Tatum for a long while, this this case for 2 ½ days!  I picked up Tatum Monday after work because Steph had to leave the next morning at 4AM. I’m pretty sure 4AM is not Steph’s optimal cognitive time of the day but somehow she made it to the airport!

Tatum and I arrived at my house!  She decided it would be fun to wear my hat – umm, ok!

That’s better, I can see you!

Well, the first order of business is to set-up her air mattress and bed. Then, surprise! Mommy packed a new set of PJ’s.  Very cool!

Whooo Loves You More Than Me?

Well, that’s gonna be a tossup between your Mom and me!

Later, when I went to bed, Tot had been out for a couple of hours.  I snapped this pic of her sleeping with “Austin the Bear”.  Cute!