Dolphins in Scottsdale?

Yes, it’s true. And I had NO desire to go for a long time because I thought the dolphins were being held captive, but boy was I wrong.

Dolphinaris is located here in Scottsdale and is home to 8 dolphins from Mexico and CA. According to them, “The pools hold approximately 1 million gallons of purified seawater that is monitored around the clock. The dolphins’ care and habitat is maintained by a team of skilled behaviorists and water quality experts, and lead by a full-time marine mammal veterinarian.”

I’m a believer after going!

I spoke to Doug about it and he decided to take us all and surprise Tot!! Read the sign honey!

We’re here!

After getting all dressed,

They told us no hats, jewelry, sunscreen or watches. NOTHING. I had no idea we’d be in a covered pool with matching life jackets. We wore the right color for sure.

We met Edna our trainer and got introduced to Ping, our 20-year old female dolphin.


HI PING!!! You are adorable.

Every time she did what she was supposed to do, Ping would smile, scream and do like a “woohoo!” I did it too usually.

Edna told us what to do so Ping would mind;  how to position our hands. We’d pet her…and then celebrate!

Feel that blow hole! She can hold her breath for 7 minutes.

Tatum got to throw her a toy and Ping would fetch.

And then,….THE KISS!! We all got to kiss her and then get a smooch back.

Honey, your turn.

Of course we needed a hug then.

I’m in love (with you too, sweetie!)

Splashing time.

I just cannot get enough.

Ping wanted to show off for us:

We learned about her belly button, her girl parts (she nurses in her genital area), her new skin which is renewed ever 2 hours, and her 72 teeth which are not used to chew. (Dolphins swallow their food whole).

We hugged and kissed her and had to say goodbye.

What a grand, awesome, phenomenal experience. Thank you Doug for making it possible.

We had an unforgettable time. PING, we’ll miss you!