Her Kindergarten class is doing a fundraiser for Christmas. The money will go to a local food bank. I love how much SERVING her class does.
Mrs. Holman thought a great way to raise money would be to sell bags of dog treats. So she employed all of us parents to make some delicious little bites.
The plan was to make the dough and cut it into cute little bones. Wellllllll, first the recipe I made was not the one she gave us. It had kind of weird ingredients like beef cubes. I had to find an alternative because I didn’t want to buy all the ingredients AND I wanted them to be taste-worthy. So, I found a great little recipe with peanut butter, eggs, pumpkin and whole wheat flour. Simple enough!

It made TON of dough and cutting into shapes was just not an option. PLUS, would the dog care if it wasn’t a cute little bone? Probably not.

Afterward, Tatum couldn’t wait to try them. Guess who else couldn’t wait try them?