This was the first question out of Hugh Hewitt’s mouth at the “Ask A Jew” event last night, September 22nd, at Scottsdale Bible Church. Dennis Prager and Hugh Hewitt, two of my favorite talk radio hosts, shared the stage with Dr. Wayne Grudem to discuss Christian values and the Jewish take on how we can be alike and different.
The main discovery I had last night was how much we actually do share in common in terms of our love and desire to follow God. However, what grieves me a bit, is the fact that Dennis has to go through rituals in order to follow God, whereas the Christian believes Jesus has made it possible to grow into His likeness and actually desires to please God out of His heart. We are born with sin and dirty hearts, and it does not matter HOW much you do, nothing can reunite us with God in relationship except purity. This is impossible in our own strength. Not 2 or 2000 laws can force someone to love. God wants to be obeyed because we want to obey…out of a love for Him; not out of duty. We also have so much hope for a future with Him where the evil will be judged.This gives us peace on this broken earth. One day, the earth will NOT be so broken.
The evening was a great reminder of the beauty of our country; we can all come together and discuss our differences in peace! We don’t have to worry about persecution.
This is actually the FOURTH time I have seen Dennis live. His wit, his intelligence, and his ability to clarify difficult issues make me absolutely adore him.

Mom and I attended the VIP event beforehand to meet and greet the panel. What a treat!
By the way, Dennis believes that God does more weeping than laughing due to the amount of rebellion his creation has performed. God was so pleased (saying it was “very good”) when He created man and woman, yet within minutes, they fell into sin. Since then, man continues to fall, and for that, God is grieved. Dr. Grudem, on the other hand, believes we serve a loving, joyful God who has a plan for His people and will redeem them with Jesus’ second coming. Jesus will bring in a new heaven and new earth. Jesus also provides a way of forgiveness, so we can be in fellowship with God again. So for that, God has joy.