I bought something new this year:
ADVENT BLOCKS. We wanted to count down to Jesus birth this year vs. countdown to “presents.” Let’s focus on the reason for the season.
Tatum celebrated with an updo too. Truly a puzzle.

Every morning we do the devotion and pray. We decided in December to use the Advent blocks to. make each day countdown and COUNT!
Here they are all lined up. I heard this Pastor named Clayton on Family Life Today. He created these, and I just had to get them!

We read day one which was about the BEGINNING with Adam and Eve and the fall. What was the picture today?

An apple!

God’s plan of redemption started the first day SIN was introduced. He wants to bring the dark into the light and make the wrongs right.
Speaking of apples, Coopy is the apple of our eye, so he gets an advent calendar too!

The first day is……wait for it….

A STAR is born!

and gone.
We can’t wait for the rest of December. He is coming!