We headed to Feed My Starving Children to make food packs for children. One in five children in the world die from starvation. FMSC sends manna food packs (vitamin, dried veggie, rice, soy nugget mix) to many countries where food is scarce. How fun this will be to help! We are ready!

We showed up, and guess who was there? Shannon and her girls, Riley and Vivian.

We were assigned station one, and we each had a duty. Tot scooped vitamins and dried veggies; Vivi and Riley scooped the rice and nuggets; Doug and I weighed and packed; Shannon sealed! We were an efficient team.

How cute we look with our lovely hair!

After we finished, we prayed over the Manna packs, and learned how many children we would feed/save.

We can’t wait to go back.