Time for an Easy Breezy hike.

Now, we stayed on the Breezy trail or so we thought. We were on the roundabout way to see the Cathedral rock. Now, somewhere along our route, we ended up on the Templeton trail. I should say “trial” because with all these trails intersecting, we couldn’t tell what was what. What we did know was that they all led UP to this:

Ok, here we are on the Templeton!

No snakes this time…just lots of mountain bikers and new agers. Not quite sure what they are praying to. Ok…back to the beauty. Here are my sweeties.

Tot was enjoying the hike this time.

That stick did her well, but we were very happy to finish because it was H.O.T!

Woohoo! Time for coffee and treat!
We decided to head to TLEQUPAQUE shopping area. The architecture alone is worth the visit. Doug took many pics as it inspires him. I love this about my honey.
Speaking of the cross, there is a chapel inside too! We couldn’t get in, but you can see the building.

So refreshing to see this in Sedona.
The fountain is quite refreshing to see too!

Remember the bells at Doug’s past home?

Ok, so we found a cool used book store and record store. Probably spent about one hour in this small place. We ended up buying an Suessisms book. Tot enjoyed reading it while we chatted with the owner.

After enjoying the shopping, we found some shade and some hugs. I love my family..surrounded by HIS green foliage.

We tired ourselves out, and so it was the usual: Lunch, frosties and back to the room to regenerate for golf and swimming.

My honey hubby had some incredible shots today! He has been practicing in his sleep I guess because Phil Mickelson would be proud.
Later after dinner, Tot sang a few songs on the ROCK.

We took in the view and just reflected on our time.
A few kisses for my bumby.

The time we spend together is just that. TIME. Togetherness, Intimacy, Memories, and Experiences. It takes TIME> Man, sometimes, it can be hard to be 24/7 with each other, but It makes us more HOLY to be accountable in ALL circumstances. How we react to events, each other, life…. It’s all under a microscope when we have each other always. God is refining us with this, and for that, I’m SOOOO grateful.

Look at this view.

Sweetie, thank you for making this trip possible.

Now, let’s get some sleep and enjoy our SUNDAY! Father’s Day 2020!!!