Upon peeing on his grass pee pad, he went to bed in peace in his little crate. Now, we were seriously rejoicing.
About midnight, we hear this howling! And guess what? It continued through the night. Finally about 6am, we let him out. He howled some more from hunger since he didn’t eat last night.
He scarfed down his food, went right to his grass pad and peed and pooped! Hooray! This usually is a huge problem, but we are able to let him follow us around in the house which he did all day.
He was also as playful as can be today! Chasing everything and running all over!

Then it was time to run an errand and he got so sad. Howl howl!

It’s ok puppy; we’ll be right back!

Tatum went to get beautiful which didn’t take any time since she already is.

Thank you, Brandy!

Here we come little buddy! Now, if only we could sleep tonight. The minute he can’t see us, he goes a bit berserk.