Day 1 was a bit sketchy because Tatum had a fall, and then came home from school. She carried over giving compliments even though she did not feel so hot. We also had Day 2 and Winter Wonder at SBC in store for the day.

Barely awake, she checked out the task for the day:

OOOOH! Draw a picture? Right up my alley, mom!
After a few errands, where she did give a few, “I like your shirt,” and “You look nice today,” we got to work. First, I wanted her to make Christmas tags for the bags of cookies for her teachers.

THEN,…. she picked a figure skater to draw.

Cooper of course watched, as usual, feeling ignored.

And VOILA! Mrs. Finnman, Tatum just adores you.

Well, we headed to SBC’s show, and….

the Tot started to hurt. Her back…her ears. Oh no. I think she might be getting that ear infection.
Alas, she had a temperature when we got home, but how cool is GOD? That Monday, we had gone to urgent care, and they had filled an Rx already, so we already had antibiotics waiting for us.
Day 2 was another “off” day, but we made the best of it. Day 3, what will you be?