Day 2 Coronado 2018

Our walks down to the beach to get shells always turn into so much more.

We love to see the pretty foliage. This time it was moi who noticed this one because I’m into birds ya know.

Then, we run into this beautiful dog. He’s an English Creme Retriever. I fell in love with his color and serenity. His owner, Chuck, had just built a home in Coronado. Right there you just knew he had a few bucks and probably time to enjoy it.

Chuck took our picture and told us we were a beautiful family. We hear that often. Smile. 

Just one with my honey. Poor guy doesn’t get to be in enough pics.

Then we ran into Mr. Sandman. He makes these tremendous castles on the beach. For fun. And it takes him maybe 3-5 hours.


Usually there’s an owie or two that occurs. OR there is a need for a little chat, so we have a quick time out for this.

We headed back because we were hungry for our brekkie.  It’s a treat to have a free buffet at the hotel, so we must hurry.

Tatum’s eyes grow bigger than her body when she sees the choices. All she could think about were Fruit Loops. Yes, cereal of all things. Now, I couldn’t just give her a whole bowl of these…or could I? Aha…IDEA!
Toast, cottage cheese, and Fruit Loopy topping. Delishioso.

After our fill of yogurt, eggs, peanut butter, coffee and fruit loops, we headed back to get ready for our beach day.

Doug always makes it so easy for us.

We pack enough for us to be riding the waves, shading our bodies and relaxing in our chairs. Funny we don’t use much of what we bring, but you know that if we didn’t we would need it. So, as good scouts, we are prepared!!

It was quite a cloudy day, so we didn’t do too much in the water.

Of course Tatum played in the sand the whole time, and Doug and I talked and played in the water a bit. Just a nice day

We were definitely ready to crash.


And then go get our dinner. On the way, we had a chance to play on the piano. Tot and I did a duet. Practice has paid off!

Another nice night of dinner, games and silliness. I think this is my favorite part of our trips. We can enjoy a nice dinner in our rooms then play games and eat chocolate. This is called quantity and quality time. Just what we needed.