Well, today at least.

FitFlops are the Bingdadabombbomb!! These shoes may be pricey, but are they worth every stinkin’ penny! In PT yesterday, he massaged the scar a bit and tried to lessen the swelling. If this is not done, it can stay there and inhibit healing. We also did 3 sets of ten on the therabands (left to right and vice versa). Plus flexing with the bands. I have my ROM at normal, and he said not to stretch anymore because it may be counterproductive at this point.
What did I also do today??? SWIM!!!!! Yep! I did just 20 minutes in the pool fluttering my feet (and no pushing off the sides), and it felt D…I…V…I…N…E!!! 🙂
Mobility is something we all take for granted. Today, I praised GOD for my TWO feet.