She woke up to a little reminder from the Daddy!

Love his drawings!

And they hugged. LOVE YOU TWO HAY’S!!
Then, she wanted to BE the Daddy. Hard at work. (Maybe she’ll organize his desk? Maybe not)

Oh, she has a call….Please stand by.

Later he wanted to surprise her with some more goodies. Tot and I spent the day doing girlie things and Daddy worked on the outside of the house. He always makes it so beautiful despite the quails making it unbeautiful. (Love those little guys but eerrrrggghh!)
Ok, so we met up around 2, and WOW! First, Tot gave him a card. She loves to draw them together.

Then, what time is it?
MINION TIME. Bob came to listen.

What’s this?

No way…how appropriate because at 4:50, we are going to take her to the new Minion movie! Surprise!

LOVE DAY! Hooray! It’s a GAS?

So later, we go. But she also got another surprise. Yes, we have a real live cutie Ken living with us, so she wanted a Barbie Ken doll. I call him the Daddy Doug Doll. He’ll be here Monday, but thank goodness we already have our own cutie here!

Off we went to the movie, and luckily we got there in time for her to

… (off-roading?) Tot! stay on the road. Daddy, you have your work cut out for you when she does learn. Glad that’s your department. HA!

What a great day. You two….Your relationship with each other will continue to grow and develop. For that, I’m eternally grateful. Thank you Jesus for being at the center. Happy Love Day!