She couldn’t stop saying it. No more “Dougy,” Baby!
We brought mom and Tot a few gifts from our stay.
I couldn’t wait to see Tatum (and my mom of course). Seeing her after this last evening was different because now we are a true family; it’s real now.
We opened gifts (wow, how blessed we were), and then we decided to bless our home.
Daddy read a prayer of blessing for a new home,

we lit a candle, and then went from room to room praying over our home. We wanted Jesus to be covering the whole place. We focused on being GRATEFUL which is signified above the sink in the kitchen.

We had takeout our first night since we had no food!
But it was so fun to eat as a family.

The next day Tot and I would load up on groceries. She had the day off due to it being President’s Day. (our grocery bill was twice what it used to be, but it’s worth it! I get to serve my family now).

I have never experienced FAMILY like this; Tatum finally gets to experience it too. My heart is full. Completely full. I know there will be “stuff” that happens, but we have such a strong foundation from God and from time together in the last 4 years.
I can’t wait to be your wife, be Tatum’s mommy with a daddy, and to serve my family with love.