Creating not grumping

Tatum has a gift. She sees something she wants in her head, then she decides to make it.

The other morning she woke up with a vision she wanted to make a reality in the morning. She imagined her bear being a watch on her wrist. We made it happen! This is the theme of most days. She wants glasses, we make glasses. She wants a new watch so she/we make a new watch. She wants a pup pad, she creates her own. This week, it’s iPads. Today alone, she has created about five. I just found her in her room making one with animal apps. It’s 8:08 pm. Again, she had a vision, so she made it happen.

Again, I love her brain. Instead of begging me for the latest “thingamabob,” she decides to create her own. She told me that when she wears her “homemade” glasses to school, she gets teased. Do you think it bothers her? No way.

Tot, you are my little creator. I love how God is purposing your life.