Just this weekend, we had the pleasure of going to Doug’s family’s house. The cuteness factor was beyond her normal cuteness which is hard to obtain.
We first started out with the usual let me put anything on my head game. She could not be camouflaged even if she tried!
Then of course she had to try out the built into the ground trampoline (brilliant!). She bounced herself silly and I had to join. I was shy about it, so I waited until nobody was around to be my silly self with Tot.
Then she had to charm the crowd with her alligator arms. Scott, Doug’s brother, couldn’t get enough of her as he played along with her.
Then it was fist pumping to the uncles
Bethany, Doug’s niece, gave her lots of love too. We were very blessed by being invited to Craig and Terry’s. Thank you for such a lovely time, and especially for making Tatum feel so special.