The joy of family…yes…we just love being with them, right? It gets a little “crazy” when you add animals into the mix. Oh, and throw in some sickness, and you have lots of crazy.
The past few days, Tatum hasn’t felt too hot, and we finally tested her:

Oh, the poor girl. Now Doug and I are making sure we don’t get it, but this does mean a few days at home with our “cozy” family.
Little Woody continues to add to the cacophony of noise and sounds.

He continues to check out everything. Even the various birds he sees (virtual or not)

And then there’s church. We aren’t there physically due to the Tot being sick, but we do enjoy it from the comfort of our living room. Oh, the joy of family. Tot drawing, Coopy chewing, Woody singing, and Doug and I listening intently.
See how cozy we all are? Tot, Coopy and Woody. Family