Cooper’s scare and the immense love for him!

It was a typical Saturday morning. Tatum and I always do a craft, and this one would be for Tom. Tom works for Monty (who is our contractor). A couple months ago, Tom broke his hip and we thought that might be it for him for a while. Well, he’s back at work! Tatum wanted to make him a card. Daddy, Monty and Tom are all holding up wood and building. (Tom is on the ladder wearing his colorful tool belt). I love how she planned it out and encouraged Tom with this complimentary card.

Well, after all of this fun, Cooper was playing and ran up behind Tatum. She slipped and fell on top of his paw. He continuously YELPED so loud and I grabbed him to feel his paw. It was literally dangling at the tendon. I thought it had ripped. Tatum was devastated with guilt even though it was an accident. I tried to hold my cool, but I was shaking and crying. Immediately, I found an emergency vet and headed over with the little guy. Daddy met us there.

On the way there, I prayed prayed prayed. Tatum and I both prayed for a miracle and a healing.

When we got there, they took him back for a check and then we met with the Dr. He said Cooper did not seem to be in pain when he felt around his paw and tendon area. He only was limping a bit. We took him home and I kid you not; within a couple of hours, he was back to his old self, running, playing, romping. HUH!!???? Was it truly a miracle? I believe so.

He did not want us to go the pool, however. He needed some TLC as he was so tired. He just laid on our towels. Don’t go!!

We did end up going and later that night, the HAY family served at UMOM through Matthew 25. We prayed with many homeless families and we served them as Jesus would. I believe God wanted us to be there, and therefore, He made sure Cooper would be fine. MIRACLE.

Later that night, Coopy was so relaxed. He just laid in my arms.

We love you SO MUCH COOPY!!!!