He had his final booster shot today.
We waited for a while. And waited. And waited.

While we waited, we saw our picture on the screen from his first visit.

Finally we got in, and guess what? He’s 6.5 lbs now.

He has grown so much. Well, he’s grown more fur! I think that is what weighs 5 of his lbs.
When we got home, he was raring to go. We throw the ball and he slides with it under the table. Thank goodness he has piles of fur because he keeps bonking his head on the bottom of the under-table.

We throw it and he runs runs runs, emerging from his slid spot.

Go Coopy!

And back he goes

He makes us all crack up. At least until someone puts an eye out or bumps his/her head. We love you COOPY!