I stress to Tatum daily that she must do her best. She needs to ask herself as she does her work, Is this my best work? If it’s not, she should do it again. This needs to be a value she holds in life.
Math is one area where she can always improve. Her numbers need to be exact, and her lines have to be straight. I’m kind of a stickler for this as early as Kindergarten because habits need to start as early as possible.
Each week they have a math test. She sometimes makes little errors and they are not from not knowing the information; they are from sheer sloppiness or not paying attention. She is NOW valuing doing her best and paying attention to detail.
This was her test from last Thursday.

Her numbers were done with precision and she seemed to do her best. Yes, she could have stayed in the lines when coloring, but I’m just so proud of her numbers! I continue to love watching Tatum value her own work.
We often recite Colossians 3:23 “Work happily at whatever you do as if you were working for the Lord and not for men.”
I love you sweet girl! Keep up the hard work and the joy of doing it!