A what?? Yes, a Komp sog na thus. Can you say it slowly?
We learned so much about these little Dinos. She was assigned the smallest one in the bunch.
From the Jurassic Period, 150 million years ago, these dinosaurs are the size of a chicken. Yep, only about 11 inches tall and 6 lbs.
She was asked to complete not only a diorama, but also to write an essay.

We had fun creating the clay figure.

He fit perfectly in his little box.

Tot named him Compsoggy. His little smile warmed our hearts, and he adorned our countertop until she decorated the box. Now, Daddy got involved with the extra credit fossil.

He is all surrounded with love in his sunny, cheery environment now.

She worked hard on her report as well. She finished it while Dr. Ruiz was over at our house, so she read it to him. Now, mind you, she was told to add many flowery adjectives and adverbs. I think she accomplished this.

She insisted on reading the whole thing.

Now, this was so much fun to do with her. I can’t wait for her to present it to her class.