Oh, dearie me! I am so honored and blessed. You see, I’ve been going through some debilitating digestive issues which have been diagnosed as SIBO. It’s been pretty hard, and I have to sadly bring my family into it since they are around me all the time. I try to keep a positive attitude and hide my pain, but sometimes, I just cry. Tonight was one of those nights. Lots of pain. Lots of despair. I just want to be better, and at times, my hope meter is running low.
The Tot, yes, the little warrior princess of ours, mighty Tot, is truly a girl of PRAYER> She is always putting her hands on my tummy and rebuking Satan and asking Jesus to heal me at that moment. I love her heart!! She even said, “Mommy, I am actually grateful for your tummy issues. It has brought our family closer; it’s brought my relationship with God closer (SHE PRAYS ALL THE TIME); and it’s brought you and me closer.” This from a little 8 year old. Wisdom. Pure wisdom.
As I’m laying on my bed, my hubby and Tot are in the art room. (I had asked for a bit of privacy). Little did I know what they were doing. Upon prayer, they were making me a treasure. Daddy’s sweet little picture. OH, my hair!

And the Tot’s.

This is our normal. Just wow. The journey may be difficult, but along the way, we are all growing closer, learning to love even more deeply, and becoming closer to our Father. That is pure quality of life.
I love you Hay Family. You bless me beyond belief.