It’s our first Christmas married AND in our new home!


The day started out with Tatum making a mile of dominos to wind throughout the home.

Now one wrong move….
Ok, so this day is made for excitement, so we are primed and ready. Wrap the presents, get the meal ready for Mama and Austin, and church!
We are ready to celebrate the birth of our King.
Jesus is better. This has been the theme of the messages at church later. This is a constant reminder to us. My family helps me stay focused on HIM.

HIs birth is the reminder of new to come. In our new home, we are going to make NEW memories, with our reminder: JESUS IS BETTER than all of it. May we stay grateful and humble.

I love you family.

We got home and Mama joined us for appetizers.

She looks so beautiful! Especially in our new kitchen.

Dinner was getting ready, and I must say, making it in our kitchen was a joy.
Turkey, gravy, potatoes and salad.

Austin brought his friend Brennan to join us.

Making room at our table is so fun! I hope to have a bigger table very soon.

Thanks for the help Mama and Tot!

We enjoyed a joyful conversation, delicious food, and family.

After dinner, Mama and Cooper had a little love fest.

We are ready for your birthday, Jesus. May we all sleep soundly for tomorrow is going to be lovely.