Christmas Eve 2017

Christmas Eve this year was a Sunday. This means that the morning was a tad bit different than usual. Every Sunday, we head down to breakfast in our jammies then get ready for church. This Sunday, we headed down to breakfast in our jammies, and did NOT get ready for church, Ha!

That is because we’d be going at night for Christmas Eve service. So it was a bit odd today just being “un”fancy today for a while.

Mom was out of biscotti, so I surprised her with a box of Shelley’s Biscotti flown in from Santa Cruz! She used to love this stuff when I lived there, so I like to surprise her with it.

And it was a hit!

So, after brekkie, we did the usual: draw a wreath, play with random stuff, read many many books, snack a bit. AND we journaled. Yes, I decided we need to start writing more, so why not start today.

AND, this was the kicker: She expected to see Santa at church tonight since he had been at Hillsong every year prior. However, we don’t attend Hillsong anymore, and I knew Scottsdale Bible would not have Santa present, so……how would she tell Santa what she wanted? A conundrum for sure. (for me too!??)

Ok, so I figure we’d write it in the journal, and then we’d leave the journal in the mailbox. That way, Santa could check it before he headed down the chimney.

I helped her write her two desires: A scooter and a pointer stick.

OH, and the next page, she wrote, “I have been a good girl.” I sealed it with my approval.

Later on that day, we got ready for church and headed to Scottsdale Bible for service. So good this year. The candle lighting and singing are always exquisite. And to top it, the message about the REAL gift being our Savior made us all ponder our blessings.

Dinner? I made salmon, sweet potatoes, delicata squash and salad.

The faces were smiling from ear to ear, so I am pretty happy about it all! Tatum and Coti especially!

Doug, once again, read Twas the Night Before Christmas to Tatum,

and we readied her for the reindeer and Santa to come. Cookies were out, and we were all in bed on time.

What will come tomorrow?