Santa was a busy bee Christmas Eve preparing Tot’s toys under the tree. She came down to an explosion of fun!
Amy and Ann (the twins I had as dolls) were nestled in their bunk beds (they are still babies after forty something years, go figure)
Then she discovered her new desk and rocking chair (thanks to Doug’s carpenter skills and IKEA’s easy to follow directions) (ha).
The cash register has very real looking money and credit card swiper. Nice practice for her to know the cost of things!! Heehee
Then off to see the fam at Kelly’s house. “Hi Alfie!!”
While we waited for presents to get delivered to the various chairs (stockings and our one gift from our chosen person), Tot and I were being silly singing Halleluia.
Morgy and Nyla posed for a pic. Morgan’s voice made me quake in awe. *Thanks for singing girl!* WOWZA
Barbara, James mom, was having a tough morning with her hernia, so we all prayed in a circle. Powerful. James had to leave to take her to Urgent Care, but she returned with a smile. Thank you, God.
Morgan and Tot played bounce. Well, Tot played bounce on Morgy!
We all showed off her big gifts! Connie got a segway ride with Morgy and Nyla.
Fancy shaver for Deno Kas got a photo case
Kell got a Mercedes girl
Morgy got some cool antique books and journal
Nyla got some makeup madness!
Kelly spoiled me with ANOTHER MK purse. SHEESH!!!
Uncle Doug is adorable in his ski goggles. He amazes me that he can still ski like a 20-year old.
Deno and Tot. He was captured by her conversation.
And Morgan shouldn’t asked for pet llama. One is good. Two is well..more than one.
Family. This girl, Kasey..well, she amazes me, and I just adore her. I’m honored to be her cousin and to know her. Merry Christmas 2015.