Chillin and Unruffled!

He’s our new chill pill. Yep, our little Amarillo is just one big “go with the flow”-er

Well, what happens when you add Cooper to the mix? Our little white fluff ball is all about playing. He wants to play with Amarillo, and it appears that it starts with the big sniff.

Then he goes in…

Amarillo? He defended himself with a little beak action, and then? THE BIG…..

Kiss? Or not. You be the judge.

Well, I say that they are kinda cute together. Amarillo is not “ruffled” by Coopy, and Coopy does not mistake Rio for a chew toy. This is all very good!

I’ll tell you what…he is so the chillin bird. He sleeps on Tatum’s shoulder as if he were laying down. Truly unruffled.